Slashdot - News for nerds. Stuff that matters.
Server Fault - Tech questions and answers.
Digg / Technology - Latest technology hot topics.
Boing Boing - Random stuff from around the net.
bookofjoe - World's most popular blogging anesthesiologist.
Cult of Mac - More Apple related blog goodness.
Maniacal Rage - Garrett Murray's blog.
One Cool Thing a Day - Cool things one day at a time.
ScriptShadow - Reviewing the latest scripts in Hollywood.
Tao Of Mac - Rui Carmo's Mac and more blog.
WHATtheCOOL - Random cool stuff.
Bleep Bloop - The Videogames Talk Show hosted by Jeff Rubin.
Diggnation - Tech/web show hosted by Alex Albrecht and Kevin Rose.
Open Source Web Design - Open Source website templates.
Open Web Design - More open website templates.
NWS US Radar Loop - Large format United States weather radar.
Full Screen Weather - Another United States weather map.
Nebraska Storms - Midwest storm chasing photos and footage.
USGS Earthquake Tracker - Quakes occurring in the past 7 days.
All Music Guide - Info about artists, albums, and songs.
Pollstar - Find upcoming concerts in your area. - Become an internet DJ! Check out my channel.
Pandora - Internet Radio from The Music Genome Project. My stations.
myTouchTunes - TouchTunes Jukebox. View my playlists.
The Nadas - “Best College Band You’ve Never Heard Of” until now!
The Great Plains Trail Network - Pedestrian trails in Lincoln, NE.
Solbeam - The live travel journal of a perpetual pilgrim.
Where The Hell Is Matt? - That guy who dances on the internet.
Woot - One Deal, One Day
Woot Sellout - Well ok, two deals. Yahoo!
Woot Shirt - One Shirt, No Shoes, No Service
Woot Kids - One Day, You'll Understand
Woot Wine - One Week, One Wine
Woot Deals - One Community, Every Deal
Dealnews - Where every day is Black Friday.
Tech Bargains - Targeting the best deals in tech.
Newegg - Quality site for ordering computer components.
ChronoShark - The Watch Deal A Day Site
(Some content may be objectionable/NSFW. View at your own risk!)
Autocomplete Me - Feeling lucky just got weirder.
Chatroulette Trolling - The art of trolling.
Fail Blog - Owned, pwnd, and fail moments.
Lovely Listing - Odd finds in real estate listings.
People Of Walmart - Humor or horror?
Photobomb - Photojackers of the world unite!
Probably Bad News - Because journalism isn't dying fast enough.
Rad Dudes - Rad dudes, kids, and ladies. So rad it hurts!
That Will Buff Out - Vehicles in compromising positions.
There, I Fixed It - Epic kludges and jury rigs.
Ugliest Tattoos - A gallery of regrets.
Wedinator - Trashing your special day is our prime directive.
You Suck At Craigslist - Exactly what it says on the tin.
Forever's Not So Long
Alive In Joburg
Code Hunters
The Gift
The Raven
The Pale Blue Dot
The Last Lecture
Joy of Stats
Lacquer - Behind
Morocco & Spain
Stella's Adventure
Gnarly Bay
RSA Films
Spy Films
Stateless Films
Whitestone MP